都柏林CDETB Rathmines学院学生作品展

推广 2022-12-11

12月8日下午开始到圣诞节,都柏林CDETB Rathmines学院举行AndrewMurphy老师班级艺术课学生作品展。陈秋梅(Annie MacCarthy)的几幅画也在其中。

It starts on the afternoon of December 8th until Christmas, Dublin CDETB Rathmines college hosted an exhibition of work by students from Mr Andrew Murphy's art class. 


图:陈秋梅(Annie MacCarthy)



欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会和中外国际家庭联谊会会长,中国国际新闻杂志社爱尔兰分社社长兼首席记者陈秋梅(Annie MacCarthy)女士,零基础在这里开始跟随Andrew Murphy老师学习绘画。

Mrs. Qiumei Chen(Annie MacCarthy), President of Europe-China Culture and Art Exchange and Cooperation Association and President of Chinese and Foreign Family Association,China International News Magazine Ireland Bureau Chief and chief correspondent began to learn painting from Andrew Murphy here.


图:Andrew Murphy ,陈秋梅 (Annie MacCarthy)


图:陈秋梅 (Annie MacCarthy), Jimmy MacCarthy夫妇和Andrew Murphy

Andrew Murphy是一名在爱尔兰都柏林工作和教学的艺术家,他擅长油画,用丙烯画风景和肖像,同时也是一名壁画家和音乐家(创作型歌手和吉他手)。

Andrew Murphy is an artist who works and teaches in Dublin, Ireland. He specializes in oil painting, painting landscapes and portraits in acrylic, and is also a mural painter and musician (singer-songwriter and guitarist).


图:Andrew Murphy 和他的作品









都柏林CDETB Rathmines学院学生作品展

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