公益课优秀学生作文欣赏二 —— “美丽的晶莹从天而降”

推广 2021-03-24

The Seasons

By Eric


Hi there, I am Eric. In my own opinion, every season is wonderful and has its very own character.

Spring is like a young and kind lady helping nature to recover from the harsh and cruel winter. 

Summer is like a teenage girl full of emotion can make people happy, but also cause some troubles in a moment.

Autumn is like a gentleman that gives out the product to the hard-working farmers on their land.

Winter is like a middle-aged hard-working adult that works so hard, that the whole season is so harsh and cold. But winter also brings even more joy than all the other seasons. In winter there is trick or treat, people gather together to celebrate the holly Christmas. Also, don’t forget there is New Year Day and Lunar New Year. But the most exciting thing is snow, you don’t see it in any other seasons. 

In winter, I and my younger sister always enjoy the snow. I still remember the first snow I have ever seen in my life with my sister. It was back in the March of 2018, a couple of days after I arrived in Ireland. I will always remember how me and my sister excited about going out and play in the pale white snow the next morning.


公益课优秀学生作文欣赏二 —— “美丽的晶莹从天而降”


On the night it began to snow, at the start I had no idea what these beautiful sparkles falling from the sky until it landed on the window, my heartbeat began to speed up, then turned into suspicion, and then certain. I ran into the sitting room where everyone was relaxing, I shouted out with such joy: “It’s snow, it’s snow, it’s snowing outside!” 

Everyone smiled and laughed, we went to saw the snow landed around our house, it was pure white, like a white blanket that suddenly covered the bridge in just a moment. My sister was three and a half back then, she was still kind of not very good at expressing her joy and excitement in words, but we could understand it just by her smile and big shining eyes staring outside of the window.

The next morning we all went out and enjoyed the fun play with snow. The adults, however, soon felt freezing in this weather and went back into the house. But I and my sister didn't mind the freezing weather, we just wanted to enjoy this big snow.


公益课优秀学生作文欣赏二 —— “美丽的晶莹从天而降”


It was a beautiful morning, everything was so quiet, all I could hear was wind went through the bashes and birdcall. The snow was so deep that when my little sister stepped in, almost a third of her leg disappeared in the snow. We went to built the first snowman in my life, of course, it was a disaster, but the next one and the one after went better and better. 

My next-door neighbor offered us a sleigh ride, my sister went on the ride she was so very happy, but I was too shy at the time so I refused it. 

For the rest of the day, we played and enjoyed what Mother Earth had given us, and that was it.



“Well organised. Learned to correct his punctuation, so this area will improve. Excellent understanding of when and how to use the tenses. Good vocabulary and Eric used comparisons excellently. I was impressed with this element.”



公益课优秀学生作文欣赏二 —— “美丽的晶莹从天而降”











公益课优秀学生作文欣赏三 —— “春天温暖的阳光”

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公益课优秀学生作文欣赏二 —— “美丽的晶莹从天而降”

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