
热点 2019-09-14


第01期 | Bryan Fanning:


采访者 | 樵北

受访者 | Prof. Bryan Fanning


Bryan Fanning

Bryan Fannning教授,都柏林大学社会政策学院院长,研究领域涉及爱尔兰移民问题、种族暴力以及思想史。著有《爱尔兰的种族主义和社会变迁》、《社会问题的哲学起源》、《追寻现代爱尔兰:1912到1986年间观念的竞逐》等多部著作,其作品学术性与可读性俱佳,被视作理解爱尔兰的必读书目。







1. Eric事件与爱尔兰移民政策的修改



 I want to start with the current case, the case of Eric and nine years boy who was born in Ireland was threatened last month with deportation along with his Chinese mother. (I know this case) Yeah. Okay, so what's your opinion on this case? what is the social or politics cause of this for your perspective? 



Ok, I’ll answer the question as well as I can and as clearly as I can. In two thousand and four, there was a referendum on the Irish constitution on citizenship. The referendum asked the people to decide whether the children of immigrants who did not have Irish parents could still be citizens at birth. At that time, like the united states, Ireland operates a system whereby anybody born in the land was a citizen. The referendum result was very strongly about changing the constitution. 79.8 per cent of the voters voted to remove the constitutional right.



And explaining this has been perhaps a big question in all of us who write about migration in Ireland. So it encourages us to think of the following that Irish people were pro-migration to allow people to work here, good for the economy. But it did not seem they regarded immigrants as Irish people. So, it had a lot to do with maybe ethnic identity, our national identity. Now, the case of Eric, which has happened recently, and a couple of other cases as well, have demonstrated an apparent shift in thinking.



And the shift of thinking has been quite a lot of public solidarity with a couple of cases. Also, senior politicians came out to say strong statements in support of those people. For example, in the case of Eric, the young boy who grew up with his Chinese mother in County Wicklow. And one of the senior politicians in the cabinet, um, Pascal Order? No, sorry, pardon me. It's Simon Harris, Simon harris, the minister for health, who is the member of parliament for Wicklow.



He said on the radio, I was driving, and I heard him say that that boy is as much from Wicklow as I am, which is a very strong statement to make. S-o soon after that, a newspaper conducted a poll and seemed to indicate that there was quite strong support amongst the people for reviewing the legislation. And I think that people were concerned about the very concrete problem, that there are indeed children who have grown up here. They have our Irish accent, they go to school here. But the constitution has made it difficult for them to become citizens because of their parents’ position.

这些儿童是爱尔兰社会的一部分,爱尔兰人不愿意看到这些儿童因其公民身份的问题而被驱逐出境。所以一名参议员,爱尔兰参议院的成员,来自工党的Ivana Bacik,她前不久提出了一项提案,希望修改法律,使得所有出生在爱尔兰的婴儿都具有公民身份。结果这个提案在参议院以高票通过(注:目前正在等待众议院审核)。尽管政府对此的立场不同,政府的观点是,没有其他欧洲国家这么做,我们这么做会导致无法控制的后果。但无论如何,这项即将在众议院被审核的议案很受公众的支持。在这个案例中,我看到了很多积极的意义。

Nevertheless, they are here in part of society and the people are very unhappy to see such children deported because of irregularities in their citizenship. So, a senator, a member of the Seanad of the Irish senate, Ivana Bacik proposed a motion, she is in the labour party, and that basically there be a new law passed that would provide for our entitlement to become an Irish citizen. There seems to be an incredible amount of strong support for this, although the government is basically coming up with a different argument on the government's argument is that no other European country does this, there would be consequences we cannot control, but nevertheless, there seems to quite a lot of popular sentiment also amplified in the political sphere, which is far basically reviewing the situation as somebody who studies migration, I see a number of welcome aspects.



What I welcome is the notion that a significant part of the Irish population wants to see migrants as part of society, that they have a vision of what our citizenship could be like, that includes people who are migrants also and especially their children. This is good for social cohesion. And the current debate that is playing out in Ireland is so very different than the kind of debate that is playing out in the united kingdom around Brexit, which is all about migration, or France or some other European countries where anti-immigrant politics is in the mainstream. And indeed the united states, where trump promises to make America great again by stopping immigration.


So I see positives here. I'm not sure that would result in a change of law, but I do see it as part of a situation that makes Ireland a little bit different than some other countries. In many countries, there is quite a lot of hostility to immigration and globalization, whereas Ireland is a relatively globalized society deliberately, for example, brings Chinese people in, deliberately wants to make those links, does so in other countries as well, and that it seems to be accepted across the community, more so than in other countries. So in other words, it seems like a majority of Irish people think the way cosmopolitan elite types think in other countries rather than like the way which people who are fearful of change, kind of fearful of globalization. So there seems to be something distinctive happening in the Irish case. And it's got a lot to do, I think, with the fact that we are a small country that has decided very deliberately to become globalized, that our national strategy is one of globalization, and that this isn't just an economic decision, but seems to have entered the culture in various ways.




You answered many questions that I am going to ask.




Ask other questions that you need.




Ok, do you think the law that reinstated birthright citizenship can be passed? I think it is said the government don't want it to be passed. I think this is the question that much Chinese immigration more care about. So what do you think?


Bryan:我不知道。修改法律的想法并非来自政府。现在的政府是少数党派的政府,如果你了解爱尔兰制定法律的过程你就会知道,现在这项法律由fine gael党提出,然后根据信心与供应协议(confidence andsupply agreement,),其他大的党派会在下议院中进行协商辩论。所以,我认为这个事件会影响爱尔兰政府处理个别案件的方式,会让更多的人对此产生同情,但我不确定法律是否能立即得到修改。


I don't know. The idea for the law has not come from the government. I mean, the government is a minority government. If you look at how legislation is generated in Ireland at the moment, it emerges from the government and from that's Fine Gael party, and then the other big political party in opposition, Fianna Fail, for what was called a confidence and supply agreement, which means they negotiate the laws and statutes that are coming. I think this will affect perhaps how the Irish state treats individual cases. I think it would allow for more expect to see in general sympathy for cases, but I don't know that we will get a change of law immediately.




I think some cases are much more sympathetic than others to politicians. Cases involving children seemed to provoke feelings of solidarity. it is not necessary that the other cases will be treated in the same way. I think that this is very much about children and this debate. So, I think the Irish would continue to behave pretty much as it behaves in terms of being open to migration from the European Union, being selectively open to migration from outside the European Union, where especially it encourages student migration such as from the people's republic of China, Brazil and also labour migration in select areas such as healthcare from the Philippines and some other countries like India.




So I think with the exception of skilled migrants coming in, I think below that, there are categories of migrants who face predicaments there, sometimes irregular migrants that don't have paperwork, and people like that are at risk of deportation. And what people that are also hiding from authorities. They are there's a suspicious of authorities, their fearful, they are exploited often more easily because of that. I think I think in the twenty-first century, you're always going to have some people with those sorts of problems. I think that what Ireland will, in general, is affected by the fact that we have common travel areas with Europe. So there would always have to be a sense. What do we do in Ireland is in effect what happens elsewhere. So I would sort of say we have maybe not that much policy change, but a sympathetic tone.




So individual cases, especially if you get media attention, might be fine. but I think I know there are other questions I have and I was talking to friends about this, which is that the big case of Eric especially was that he was not viable for him to go back to China because he'd never been in China. He wouldn't have been recognized as a citizen in China. That was a very complicated case in his own family situation. And I also understand that dual citizenship that is taking out Irish citizenship maybe alongside the citizenship of another country is a problem for Chinese people. you could not take out Irish citizenship without losing you're Chinese. And that's something that you would not be willing to do. So it strikes me that the case of Eric is an unusual one in the sense that his parents are family decided to live in Ireland. They don't have an option of returning to China.




And that this is about making sure that's regularized. There is a large community of Chinese in Ireland who are families and growing up, but they are not necessarily going to takeout Irish citizenship like other nationalities, because they are worried that maybe they want to return and they want to keep that option open. So they will look for maybe regular status rather than citizenship. And I think that is probably the that's as much to do with Chinese law as Irish law. 




I read your book, immigration and social change of Ireland.




I know it's an old book. there's a new book.




Okay, I didn't find this book.



Take a photograph of that for your broadcast



 Bryan Fanning教授的新书





樵北:没问题。当面对现实,政府在选择移民政策会面对很多困境或冲突,比如福利分配问题。在你的这本书中,你提到了种族裙带主义(ethnic nepotism)理论,该理论是排外主义的,认为更多的社会多样性意味着每个人更少的福利。您在书中反对这种观点,您的立场是什么呢?


Okay, no, probably no problem. So, um, facing the reality, there are many dilemmas or conflicts in the issue of immigration policy, such as distribution on welfare. In your book of you mention the theory of ethnic nepotism which argued that more diversity means less welfare. You opposed to that, and what is your standpoint?




it's complicated. And this is a very big idea that is has been taken up in particular by right-wing, not far-right, but liberals who have embraced anti-immigration, anti-globalist ideas in America and in the united kingdom in particular. What such people argue is that you should reserve the welfare state for citizens, and you deliberately ensure that it does not go to non-citizens, such as health care, social welfare.




And the reason you do this is essentially to build social cohesion around citizenship. But also it is about populist politics that are often anti-immigrant as well. My engagement with that particular set of ideas is not that I agree with those ideas. Those ideas purport to demonstrate a theory where people behave like that in general. And it is true up to a point that people will always express solidarity towards people they feel similar to, such as Chinese for Chinese. Sowe accepted that's there but the idea that you should deliberately encourage it as a public policy does not always make sense, especially if you have a multi-ethnic society.




So, I see ethnic nepotism as a tendency that needs to be corrected as a problem. The problem with ethnic nepotism that to say you're welcome here in the country, but then they say, now need to go to healthcare, you know you shouldn't, you are Chinese, you are not Irish shouldn't go to the hospital. My view that's wrong.




So if you get more sophisticated than that, you should sort of think in term of an idea of social cohesion is for everybody in society. it's quite easy to flow politics that are discriminatory towards people on the basis of ethnic identity. And of course, that existing china as it does in other places. It happens around the world. So the idea to have ethnic nepotism is a tendency. Now, in the book that I wrote about ten years ago, I was quite worried that these ideas would become embedded in Ireland as they have in other European countries. And to some extent, the welfare state in the United Kingdom has gone that way.

英国新工党的戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)早在特朗普之前10年就说过:“英国的工作只给英国人”。这就是本土主义(保护主义)。而对我来说,我认为当我们讨论公民身份这些问题的时候,需要考虑到我们是一个多元社会。因此,如果爱尔兰是一个能够包容中国人,波兰人和世界其他地区移民的多元化的社会,我们必须有一种能够反映这一点的意识形态和社会实践,因为,在爱尔兰的中国移民生活得好,这是我们的利益所在。


You have people such as Gordon Brown, who was new labour, saying, you know, British jobs for British people ten years before trump. So this idea that it's nativist. and to me, I have I favour ideas of citizenship and debates about the community that takes into account the diversity community. So if Ireland is a diverse community that includes Chinese people as well as people from Poland and elsewhere, we need to have an ideology and a set of practices that reflect that, because of itis in our interest that the Chinese here do well.




It is our interest that polish people do well, that they were in work and not unemployed, that they are healthy and not sick. That's how I view it from social policy terms so that it is our interested that the children of migrants do well. Because there's the next generation in this society, such as Eric and so on




So I think nepotism was an idea for talking about a tendency to encourage discrimination within social policy on the basis of citizenship or ethnicity. And I floated the idea, I didn't grow up with the term, I didn't invent it. But when I came up with a ten years ago, it seemed to be maybe not necessary for applying to Ireland, but it might in the future apply to Ireland. What seems to happen in the last ten years is that nationalism in European countries and in the united states has risen again. There's something like ethnic nepotism, very much as part of the united states and trump era response to migration. It's for Americans make Americans grace, you know, stop them at the borders at, you know, Britain taking much more strongly anti-migrant responses with Brexitand so on.




So I think that's part of what's going on in a number of countries, I think from the point of view of what would be in my view, a good society, which would also be my view, a democratic society, is that social cohesion has to be built around a wide definition of community. If you have a diverse community, you can't you shouldn't be floating ideas that just say we the people are this bit, not that bit. I worry about it because that kind of thinking is both a result of racism and xenophobia, but it also tends to build more racism and xenophobia into structures and systems.




So I would be concerned about it. but nevertheless, there would be always in any country instances whereby we favour citizens over non-citizens. And there would obviously be a degree of expected solidarity between citizens in some country because that is how the world works. So we accept that. But at the same time, if you have a diverse society, it's dangerous. I think in my view, to play politics with this because can bring you into some dark places. I think the united states is in that space at the moment. I think Britain is going to into some considerable trouble. And a lot of that trouble is being generated by people in the political classes. And maybe the media not necessary what ordinary people think they do




So the good news is no Irish politicians blaming migrants for Ireland’s troubles. they are in Britain and they are in the united states and they are in other countries as well. So those tensions make things difficult for migrants to live and get by. I'm far from having reasonable discussions about all of these issues. But I think basically playing with those ideas and ideologies is dangerous. I think Ireland is doing ok at the moment.



It seems to me that Ireland is very credible and remarkable in embracing different immigration groups. And here's a theoretical question. at the end of your book. You ask a question of what is integration? I think it's very interest because on, one hand, we believe integration means the ability to participate in a society without having relinquished his own culture identity. On the other hand, we expect the assimilation of different culture. what's your opinion?




I think it I think we could look at China quite critically about some of this at the moment in terms of, say, that treatment of-of same Muslim ethnic groups in China, the idea that there has to be a cultural assimilation.



I think big integration is around, how would I put it like this, domains. if you have a migrant population, let's just say they're polished, or Chinese. You want them to be in work nothing unemployment. So if a big number are unemployed, that's a problem. They're not integrated into the economy. So you want people to be integrated into the various spheres of society, to be meaningful including societies that the children have a chance next generation, integration into education, integration into employment. So there are these functional areas of society that integration needs to take care of in a very practical sense, and worrying too much about culture in relation to this is a distraction. It just gets in the way of the work you need to do to ensure that basically, people can flourish in their ordinary lives. Most migrants come to the country, they don't want to become Iris. fine. They have a plan, they want to live a life for themselves and their family. They want to maybe get jobs, get education, experience, and ideally want people's lives to be successful.




If you impose a cultural attack on things and say you cannot participate in our economy or in our schools, unless you behave a certain way culturally, that creates a problem. A lot of the politics around culture in the west is they're obsessed at the moment with Muslims in particular. And that can be destructive. I mean it's not that there shouldn't be an adaptation to culture, but I think in my view, it should be more adaptation to values.




Values include the rule of law in this country, their important values that people behave, the laws of society and so on. It doesn't necessarily matter that you wear certain clothes, you shouldn't have to matter that you do.




But it is very important that if you are to succeed in Ireland, that you're able to speak the English language. Because unless you're able to speak English, you are you're unlikely to be able to succeed in the economy. You know, you're likely to be exploited some maybe in a public place of work where, you know, you have you have no access to anything else.




They also would like to be discriminated against if you can't speak the language. So to me, things like language are quite important. Citizenship is important in the longer term. It will be a challenge for Chinese community here, I think, because unless if you have a significant community and the Chinese community is pretty significant, that they should have a voice in how the country is wrong. You should be involved in the decision making. Politicians and others will not listen to you unless you have a vote now. And I think the predicament of the Chinese community is that it's a significant community, so you want to see Chinese people working in policing in other areas.




You want to see them part of the state possible. but if politicians think Chinese people are not citizens among folks. That means that the interest of the Chinese community may not be supported in important ways into the future. But in democratic theory, there is a sort of a value to society if groups participate because you bring in your voice and your experience. And that to me would be quite important too.




that voice and that experience will be part of a decision making In general. words that we should be listening to and learning from look different communities. So that to me would be my answer of more ideology version of us my perspective. 



Bryan Fanning教授





Yeah, it is important to participate in political affairs.




but there's no reason why members of the Chinese community couldn't join our political parties to advance their business interests or other interests. you know you don't know you have to be a citizen to do so. you can vote in the local government elections, even if you are at the base of your residency. So you know, maybe that's a good thing to do. And especially maybe in a city like Dublin where the significant Chinese community gathered it, maybe if Chinese were registered to vote in the local elections. Very simple thing to do, then you would be able to that I think at a local level, neighbourhood politicians might be interested in doing more for the Chinese community. So those kinds of things do matter. I think it's very difficult to mobilize people to register to vote, you know if especially people aren't used to doing it, but it's worth doing if it can be accomplished.




Chinese immigration is not the biggest integration group in Ireland, but still has a population of nearly, I think, ten thousand?




It's funny with Chinese numbers the numbers of always being disputed with the Chinese. I can find you figure in the book because I I have the figures, I have the most recent figures in the book.




 I have a section on the Chinese community from ways of Chinese immigration to Ireland. from the nineteen sixties there would have been people from the new territories who came to the United Kingdom, come over here to work in food businesses and so on. So there's always been a Chinese presence here since I was born. You know, and as small and then with the city tiger economy than the numbers do rise. I'm just seeing if there are any numbers here.




I mean the Chinese government in times of the embassy here of claim that there were sixty thousand Chinese, that figure is way above what anybody in Ireland thinks of it to be.




why would they say that?




I think this the count students and others and people coming and going. I'm just trying to find the figure. two thousand six census was eleven thousand, I mean about fifteen thousand student visas were given in two thousand and four alone. So there's quite a large student population here all the time, as do people stay or do people go onwards go off somewhere else afterwards, or do they stick around. I apologize. I don't have a sense of the number the current number here at all.




It’s fine. What is the living state of Chinese immigration in Ireland? What is their biggest challenge?




there's no indication that the Chinese community are experiencing significant problems. one of the problems the Chinese face in Ireland, in general, a near invisibility. If you were in Northern Ireland, it was actually along kong born woman. She married an English man. She set up a Chinese organization in Belfast and there was a lot more second wave new territories, people as well. There. So and now there are new waves of people who come, mostly students or as tech workers, and so on and so forth. 




the community, the invisible enough in Irish society. That's the thing is we don't know a lot. We don't know how well people are, how safe they feel, how well they're doing economically. there nobody out there championing their calls are saying the Chinese communities need this and that. But what we need to do about this so in a sense were absolutely and utterly dependent on voices from the community and it is a language barrier. If you ask me where am I kind of insistent? I I think learning the language of a society is crucial.




it kind of creates all sorts of problems. Uh, but the Chinese community is a bit of a mystery to someone like myself. Nobody has done any significant pieces of research and the Chinese community, we don't have good PhDs now you that are kind of really gone into things. we sort of do need more research. Yes. You know I I think all we can do is kind of guess and look at the census and you know, and some people are invisible. So these are challenges, these are challenges.


我也知道有一些华人组织或者华人报纸之类的东西,让我们能够看到一点点华人社区的情况。但整体情况是,关于华人社区,我们能找到的东西少之又少。我们关心的问题是中国人认为这个爱尔兰社会有什么问题?中国人关心什么? 这就是为什么政治参与,无论以何种形式被组织,有助于社会团结和融合的原因。我认为这是一个很大的挑战。如果你回到三十年前,四十年前,你会发现爱尔兰的少数族群社区内部是连接非常紧密的,你可以和波兰社区直接对话,和美国社区直接对话。而今天新的趋势出现了,那就是移民从他们国家的各个不同的地方来到爱尔兰,他们不再紧紧和自己的族群联系在一起,他们让我们感觉看不见了。都柏林不是一个很大的城市,但它仍然在反映这种趋势。


I know that there are Chinese organizations and China today or newspapers and things like that. There are things that we can find out bits about the Chinese community, t I suppose the question we want is what the Chinese people in our and saying the issues are, what are their concerns? And this is why basically participation, however that can be managed, is part of the integration process.  I think there's a big challenge. I mean if you went back maybe thirty years, forty years ago, you would see that ethnic minority community tend to bond around one another. So you could talk about the Chinese community of the polish committee of the Irish American community. What we see now in the cities of the world and Dublin is not a very big city is still reflects, this tendency is we see people coming in from large numbers of places. they're not bonding all the time to their own ethnic groups, so they're kind of become invisible.


有一个术语描述这种复杂性:超级多样性(super diversity)。总之,在某种意义上,中国社区对于爱尔兰的决策者和政策制定者是相当隐形的。好消息是,爱尔兰对中国社群并出现没有什么偏见。虽然种族主义和偏见作为一种心理一直存在于社会之中,但目前还没有出现来自官方层面的偏见。坏消息是,如果中国社区一直没有声音出现,没有社区领袖能够站出来,那么中国社区的需要和利益将很难在爱尔兰得到保护和支持。我认为这是一个挑战。


there's a term out there called superb diversity. I mean it talks about the complexity of this. so in a sense, the Chinese communities, communities are pretty invisible to decision makers and policy makers. And the good news is that there is not a lot of prejudice towards them. Although there will, of course, be racism and prejudice all the time, not from the officially. The bad news is that it's difficult to see the needs and interests of the community can be supported through the state without a voice, and without community leaders, some are coming forward. And I I think that's a bit of a challenge.




Do you think that a leader of the community is necessary?




I don't know the single leader of the community as possible, because I could imagine the Chinese community in Ireland is very diverse who are a different range of provinces in China. I've been to China only once. obviously compared to Ireland, it's a ginormous place and Ireland is a very, very small place.




I think we need we need Chinese language speaking academics and experts in the head in health care, in social science and academia as well as in business or just to basically help us understand whats going on. Yeah, I'm not sure we have enough of that at the moment. I mean I would love to know there was a really good say Chinese academic who was researching the Chinese communities in Ireland to talk to and to learn from, who write papers and who could do research, who could speak the language and all those things.




I mean I know we have the Confucius on campus and we have all these business arrangements. but I mean We just don't know enough. And I think I mean, it's not that we should know everything, but it's stuff. it's also the style of the Irish state. I mean compared to the Chinese state, it’s a very different endeavour. Our state is not going to take very heavy-handed interventions into a particular ethnic group there. You know, it's not going to create very powerful laws about behaving one way or another.




I mean it would big decisions it makes whether you can stay or whether you should go. but beyond that, it's also not going to do an awful lot to insist that people behave certain ways in society. But here's the problem. If there are groups who are having problems or difficulties, unless there's some sort of politics around it, it's not going to do much to help. And I suppose the issue for us is, are there particular problems and challenges facing Chinese people in Ireland? You know, I see ever so many people out and about and they're in their thirties and they've got their little children with them. And clearly they're going to live some life here and their children are growing up here. An acting society should be doing and I think at that level a positive level, we need to hear more from the Chinese community.




sir. do you have any suggestion for the Chinese immigration in Ireland?




 I very find it hard to tell people what to do. I mean I know enough about china's know that it's a fundamentally different society in many ways to ours. but in some respects, all societies are the same. I think the more involved you are in different institutions that make decisions, the better it is, the more knowledgeable you are as to how society works. The battery can go for you in a sense. I see that younger people who work in shops and in my neighbourhood, I hope they're going to be all right in five years’ time. I hope their life works out for them. But honestly, we don't have enough data. I can tell you enough about African in Ireland, I can tell you enough about polish in Cleveland. I've worked with those communities quite closely and does a research. I cannot tell you about the Chinese experience except by clues, I pick up from reading things here and there. I cannot tell you. You have to ask a Chinese person about that. 






















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