从安妮·吉尔迪亚(Anne Gildea)那里教您“如何获得更年期并享受它”的女人出现了一个全新的节目:“女性的进一步冒险”。这将是一次有趣的冒险!
Join us as Anne explores the world of the feminine, the mammy, the twerky dancer: From 18-hour girdles and Housewives of The Year, to ripped influencer grannies pumping iron on Insta, from the Sunday drive to the spa break, from Angel Delight to Ozempic and back to the chiffon scarf test, Anne weaves a pant-wetting path through a changing half century of womany stuff – And that's just the tip of the安妮堡!
- 日期:
- 5月30日,星期五
- 时间:
- 晚上8.00
- 价格:
- €20
- 地址:
- Draiocht Blanchardstown,Coolmine,Blanchardstown,都柏林县,爱尔兰